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Seared Sea Scallops with Broccoli Rabe and White Beans


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Meredith had pinned this recipe (below) a while back. We chose it since we wanted a fast, easy, and healthy meal. Basically you sauté broccoli rabe, then add beans. Then just make scallops on a hot pan. I was a bit uncertain about the scallops since it didn't seem hot enough and I had to leave them on for a while. However, thankfully they didn't turn out dry and were actually pretty good. All I did was slice a little bit on top, then add salt. Also, since we didn't feel like peeling garlic, we sliced up some roasted garlic and added that.Appropriately we bought the scallops and broccoli rabe at whole foods. Also, we bought 1 pound for two people which was a bit too much. Oh, and no lemon


Seared Sea Scallops with Broccoli Rabe and White Beans (from Whole Foods)

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